Daniel Laird

Head of Developer Platforms OVO

Daniel is a Software Manager with OVO - leading the Developer Platforms team as they enable over 400 engineers to work more effectively, with greater guidance and guardrails, lowering their cognitive load and improving their everyday lived experience. The overall goal being to increase engineering productivity, staff retention and ensure OVO is considered a great place to work. Daniel is a former Head of Engineering leading 50+ engineers. Over 5 years they transformed from being an Embedded Software team delivering Custom Hardware solutions to being software focused, developing primarily for the Cloud. To achieve this they transformed teams, ways of working, adopted Cloud platforms with CI and CD pipelines and looked at adopting a full DevOps model. Daniel strongly believes in empowered teams, and ensuring that they have the freedom to innovate both in process and tooling. Daniel believes that People, Process and Tech are the key to success, and in that order.

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