Julien Simon

Chief Evangelist Hugging Face

Julien is currently Chief Evangelist at Hugging Face. He's recently spent 6 years at Amazon Web Services where he was the Global Technical Evangelist for AI & Machine Learning. Prior to joining AWS, Julien served for 10 years as CTO/VP Engineering in large-scale startups.

Generative AI Week 2023 Day One: Tuesday,17 October 2023

8:35 AM Plenary Presentation: Generative AI with Hugging Face

Generative AI is a rapidly growing field, but it can be shrouded in mystery and jargon, making it difficult for non-technical professionals to understand. This talk aims to demystify generative AI and introduce you to building generative AI models and applications with Hugging Face open-source solutions. By the end of this talk, you will better understand how generative AI works and how it can be applied in various industries, such as marketing and customer service. They will also have a high-level understanding of the underlying models, enabling them to make more informed decisions about using generative AI in their businesses.

9:25 AM Plenary Panel: Redefining Adoption: How Generative AI will Transform Enterprises in the Future

Artificial intelligence is poised to revolutionize the workforce, and generative AI is at the forefront of this transformation. With the ability to create novel content, engineer and design, revolutionize operational productivity and digitally replicate a patient, generative AI has already irreversibly altered the way we think about work. Challenges arise when we strategize how we get to where we want to go & this panel will explore the ways in which we should be thinking about people, ROI and the long-term implementation for our workforce and businesses.

·       The context and validation of the AI implementation – what’s the real economic value, taking both the low hanging fruit and large-scale rollout, how can we separate hype from reality?

·       What the AI adoption means for your workforce, importance on educating at all ends, and working together to ensure safe and successful transformation

·       The ethical implications of using generative AI in the workforce, including issues of bias and the displacement of staff, and how we can address these concerns

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Julien.

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