Spearheading AI Trustworthiness, Compliance, Governance, Ethics, Sustainability & Risk Management
The Practical & Strategic Home for Enterprise Leaders to Ensure Commercial, Technical & Competitive Success

16-18 September 2024  | Hotel Olympia, London, UK

Paul Dongha

Group Head of Data and AI Ethics Lloyds Banking Group

Group Head of Data and AI Ethics at Lloyds Banking Group (LBG) within their Chief Data and Analytics Office. Responsible for all processes and technologies which combine to ensure we generate trustworthy and responsible outcomes for our customers. Also leading LBG’s Generative AI Strategy. Previously involved in cutting-edge research to create technologies which ensure AI systems generate fair and unbiased predictions. I have helped to shape AI policies, principles, and regulations through participation in International forums. Extensive experience in building service-based and event-driven, high-performance, global financial calculation systems incorporating Big Data. I have managed all aspects of IT Program execution involving globally distributed IT teams. Experienced in advising C-suite executives and banking regulators. PhD in Artificial Intelligence, MSc and BSc in Computer science. Research experience and University lecturer in Computer science, Natural Language processing, Object Oriented, Functional and Logic programming.

Responsible AI & Risk Management Conference Day 1 - Tuesday 21 November

11:15 AM Panel Discussion: Building Public & Customer Confidence & Trust

In today's fast-evolving technological landscape, businesses face the dual challenge of harnessing the power of AI innovation while ensuring public confidence and trust. Delve into this discussion, focusing on the complexities of fostering trust with clients and stakeholders alike.

·       Explore the importance of customer perspective, public understanding & model explainability

·       Understand methods of fostering comfortable user adoption and maintaining brand

·       Overcoming challenges in transparency & awareness for the public 

4:00 PM Establishing & Navigating a Data & AI Ethics Council within your Organisation

Join this session as we delve into the pivotal role of a Data and AI Ethics Council in cultivating a culture of responsible AI within organizations. Paul will delve into the practical steps of establishing a council that not only navigates complex ethical considerations but also drives innovation and trust, exploring:

·       Crafting ethical initiatives company-wide: how council can be used for transformation

·       Stakeholder collaboration: foster cross-functional cooperation for comprehensive ethical decision-making, touching on the potential for external collaboration

·       What is an “Edge case” and how do we deal with conflicting /overlapping values

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Paul.

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