Interview with David Granger, Content Director, Cinch


1) How has Generative AI transformed traditional marketing workflows, and what specific challenges has it addressed in the industry?

It has automated a lot of the mundane and speeded up many processes such as paid ad spend tactics or SEO tactics ad copy creation. It acts as a search engine on steroids for research for copywriters.

2) Can you provide examples of successful marketing campaigns or strategies that have leveraged Generative AI? What were the key factors contributing to their success?

Automating and improving chatbots - this has meant there is less reliance on people at call centres and the bot can triage potential customer care problems without the need for human intervention The impact of AI on SEO has been massive: it speeds up the execution of tasks and ensures search engine tactics are quicker and more accurate

3) As Generative AI evolves, what skills do you think marketers will need to stay ahead in the dynamic landscape of digital marketing?

As ever, with new technologies, and especially with a new technology which has the potential power of AI, all marketers need to stay aware and alert to the benefits which AI could bring to their specialist field. But, it needs to be kept in context: AI is not going to replace every skill and there needs to be human creativity and oversight to ensure AI works for a brand’s marketing department and not the other way around. It’s essential to retain those points of difference. For those working with it, they need to understand the best way to prompt and phrases to maximise those benefits.

4) For enterprises considering the adoption of Generative AI, what are the key steps they should take to ensure a successful implementation?

Ensure there is cross-departmental comprehension of what GenAI does, how it does it and why it is necessary. And its limitations. Ideally an AI council of interested parties (finance, legal, procurement, IT as well as marketing) need to agree on how AI should be used, what the potential pitfalls are and what the company will gain from its successful implementation. It should not be the preserve of one department or individual. And legal must be involved. AI is going to provide a great new source of revenue for media law firms. And there should be proper training on using the tool to make sure its benefits are maximised and its potential failings are minimised. Its contribution to creation, production budgets and business success should also be evaluated to ensure it’s not a shiny new toy, but a successfully implemented tool

5) How do you foresee the future of Generative AI in marketing? What emerging trends could further shape the industry?

There will be a period of early adopters who rush into implementing AI to be one step ahead, but after this wave has passed, what I call the "early adapters" will be the ones who properly benefit from GenAI. They will learn form the mistakes of the gold rush (like websites and social beforehand) and ensure AI works to assist effective, creative marketing. There will be a period of generic, derivative content as companies change from human creatives to GenAI, but eventually will realise it will not be the solution to effective marketing and that there is still benefit to the creative craft. Those businesses which blend AI and human creativity will be the ones who succeed - they’ll understand the need for effectiveness as well as efficiency and cut through the derivative to create content specifically for their audiences, customers and campaigns.

Question related to your session at the Generative AI for Marketing Summit

Where is the future of content creation heading?

We’ll have a period of every company and the CFO’s nephew creating far too much content and mistaking that quantity for any kind of quality. Eventually that will become mere content landfill and successful marketing departments and businesses will blend the GenAI-created with human craft to create better campaigns and more effective content. GenAI will be used for Marketing Content (the functional collateral) whereas human creativity will be used for Content Marketing, the more emotionally led function of the marketing mix.

Join David and us at the Generative AI for Marketing Summit