How are you using data visualization to change minds and behavior?
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Data visualization charts are everywhere. From the Fitbit app to the nightly news, not a day goes by where we don’t come across a visual representation of data such as a chart or graph.
This is because, more than numbers and stats alone, images have the power to dramatically change human behavior. By making data-driven insights easier to comprehend, data visualizations equip citizen analysts with the knowledge they need to make better, more informed decisions.
For over a hundred years, businesses have relied on visualizations such as charts and graphs to transform data-driven insights into knowledge. However, as ubiquitous as data visualization is to even routine data and analytics practices, very little research has been conducted on the topic.
With this in mind, we’re excited to launch our latest survey report on:
- How companies are leveraging DV to drive business value
- What are the key challenges associated with DV
- What are the top DV tools of 2021
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