The Top Ten Blogs on AI
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As machines get smarter and their spread into our daily lives goes wider, so an ever-growing mountain of AI news and information threatens to overwhelm us. But staying on top of what’s new and what’s coming next is vital to careers and business. Reducing this information mountain down to a molehill and spending time on what is valuable but ignoring the babble is key. But where do you find such refinement? Look no further. Jump into ‘The Top Ten Blogs on AI’ for everything you need to know and nothing you don’t.
Jay Alammar. Location: USA. Site: JayAlammar
Machine Learning engineer and Deep Learning content creator, Jay Alammar, starts our list off with a clean and easy to read blog that’s packed with visual punch. Aiming to ‘visualise machine learning one concept at a time’, many of his tutorials choose clever graphics to make complex subject matter simple to grasp. Need a high-level guide to the set of tools and methods that helps humans understand AI/ML models and their predictions? He has an explainable cheat sheet for that. Want to know how GPT3 works? Study his visuals and animations. This is a blog to keep in your pocket for all those tricky ‘what now?’ moments.
Jason Brownlee. Location: USA. Site : MachineLearningMastery
In his own words, Jason Brownlee’s blog aims to make developers awesome at machine learning. Having learned the hard way that far too much information on the subject was written for academics and not for business, he decided to do something about it. At Machine Learning Mastery he’s done away with the jargon and unreadable text-books. Instead, you’ll find concise articles and tutorials that give developers the information they need in plain language. Discover posts as varied as facial recognition and the Eigenface Technique, vector space models, the Bahdanau Attention Mechanism, and neural networks in Keras.
Jack Clark. Location: USA. Site: ImportAI
One-time neural network reporter for Bloomberg and now the founder of an AI safety and research business, Jack Clark delivers weekly articles for AI pros and serious AI enthusiasts. His pared-down posts offer chunky newsbites that get to the meat of matter on topics such as ‘Facebook dreams of a world-spanning neural net’. ‘Microsoft announces a 30-petaflop supercomputer’. ‘FTC taps AI Now for AI advice’ and ‘Multi-lingual models cement power-structures’. If you eat, sleep and dream about heavy AI, this is the blog for you.
Nikola Danaylov. Location: Canada. Site : SingularityWebBlog
Fancy a discussion about the impact of technology, exponential growth, and artificial intelligence on the future of humanity? Moderated by someone called Socrates? Then this place to be. Nikola Danaylov aims to generate productive and purposeful conversation on these subjects at his Singularity WebBlog. Claiming that its value may be not so much in the answers it provides, but in the questions it raises, the site carries thought provoking articles from Danaylov and guest contributors. Enjoy opinion, news, podcasts, and more.
Tom Davenport. Location: USA. Site: TomDavenport
Academic, author, and advisor to the big four consultancies, Tom Davenport has been at the forefront of the Process Innovation, Knowledge Management, and Analytics and Big Data movements since their beginning. His blog presents long-form articles that dig deep into their topic to provide thought-provoking insights and background information that you probably won’t find elsewhere. This is a blog for getting comfy with. Settle in for the big read with article as varied as ‘what is a minimum viable AI product/’, ‘Winter is coming for the economy – and AI’, and ‘Beyond unicorns – educating, classifying, and certifying business data scientists’.
Chip Huyen. Location: USA. Site : ChipHuyen
Former Deep Learning engineer and lecturer at Stanford University, Chip Huyen, is on a mission to share her valuable knowledge and experiences for the benefit of all. With words that speak from one data scientist to other data scientists, she takes a close look at the AI industry, the practices, the tools and the innovation. Recent posts have covered areas such as the reasons data scientists don’t need to know about Kubernetes, how machine learning is going real-time, seven reasons not to join a start-up (and one reason to do so), and ‘what I learned from looking at 200 machine learning tools’. (Be grateful she did the legwork for you).
Dale Markowitz. Location: USA. Site : DaleonAI
Self-professed coder, writer, maker and napper at Google AI, Dale Markowitz is here to help people understand machine learning and how it can solve tricky problems. She knows what she’s talking about. Before her time at Google, she was a software engineer and data scientist at dating site OKCupid, where she used math to help singles find love. (If AI can solve that, it can solve anything). Her blog is a lively mix of tutorials, news, and industry developments. Recent articles have looked at subjects as different as AI alternate identities, building a pet tracking camera, Transformers explained (watch out Optimus Prime), and how to deal with imposter syndrome.
Adrian Rosebrock. Location: USA. Site: Pyimagesearch
Computer Vision and Deep Learning developer, Adrian Rosebrock, says that he began this blog to help students, developers and researchers become better at computer vision. Every Monday at 10.00am US eastern time, he publishes a new tutorial or guide, making his blog an ‘appointment’ attraction. Expect more practical advice and information and less theory as he shows us how to master his chosen topic with articles like ‘OCR passports with OpenCV and Tesseract’, ‘U-Net. Training image segmentation models in Pytorch’, and ‘OCR-ing business cards’.
Ethan Rosenthal. Location : USA. Site : DataPiques
When he’s not busy with his day job as a data scientist, Ethan Rosenthal produces a no-frills blog that gives us a unique angle on this technical subject. There’s nothing boring here. With well-crafted prose, Rosenthal walks us through vivid examples of data science at work. In the form of anecdotal tutorials, we learn about such things like semantic image registration, quick start-ups and shutdowns, freelance data science consulting, and the wonderfully vivid, optimal peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Who ever knew data science could have so much flavour?
Lilian Weng. Location: USA. Site: Lil’log
Everything you wanted to know about machine can be found on Lilian Weng’s, Lil’Log blog. She deftly covers topics as diverse as Reinforcement Learning, Natural Language Processing, Auto ML, Object Recognition, Auto Encoders, Transformers, Meta Learning and more in posts that offer words, math, graphs, and graphics to explain complex subjects. Recent articles include, ‘What are diffusion models?’, ‘Reducing toxicity in language models’, ‘Neural architecture search’, and ‘How to build an open[-domain question answering system’.