Data ROI 2021: Key Takeaways Workbook
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Couldn’t make it to the Data ROI virtual event that took place September 8 - 9, 2021? DOWNLOAD our Key Takeaways Workbook to find out what you missed.
With so much transformational information shared, identifying and retaining key points from ADA events can be surprisingly challenging. With this in mind, we created this key takeaways workbook to provide a brief overview of what was discussed during each session as well as blank space for you to record those pearls of wisdom that matter the most to you.
DOWNLOAD this workbook to:
- Obtain bite sized data monetization best practices and lessons learned from our expert speaker faculty
- An go-to place to write your own key insights as you watch the Date ROI sessions ON DEMAND
- For those looking to delight the boss, proof that you attended and absorbed the learnings from the event